Saturday, December 31, 2011

Story time

Supergirl just chillin after rescuing the world
A few cute stories about Alexa to start this off on a good note.  Alexa is starting to understand things better.  We've gotten a bit better at signing.  Not great yet, but our signing classes dont start till next week, so everything we know is self taught.  A wonderful teaching tool is the signing time videos if you want to pick some of the language up or teach your little ones.  Anyway because Alexa isnt completely deaf it's like she hears things as if she were underwater, she is able to pick up sound patterns.  They're just very muffled, but she knows the sound of her name, and other things we commonly say.  So she is able to respond to simlple things.  One of her naptime/ bedtime rituals is to make sure she gives everyone including the animals a kiss.  So you'll often find us searching them all out (let me tell you trying to find a cat when they dont want to be found can be very difficult), but if she doesnt kiss everyone that is in the house she gets very upset and will continue to do the kissy face until everyone gets one.  She hates when the dogs give her kisses (licking).  So I explained that this is how dogs kiss (talking and miming), she seemed to understand me.  That night when she went to give Sunny our golden retriever a kiss she licked him right on the nose!  So gross!!!  I've  been able to get her to stop for the most part by acting all grossed out, but everyone once and a while she slips in a lick.  Very funny...

I've been trying to teach Alexa animal sounds and although she cant hear them great she's able to get some of the sound patterns right.  An example would be I say and sign cow, and she oooo's like a moo, or sign cat and she e-ows like a cat, sheep is an aaa, and so on.  Well I decided to throw a few extra "animal sounds" in there.  Like I say and sign red sox and she throws her arms up in the air and says "ooooh-oooh!"  for woo-hoo!, and I sign yankees and she says "in" which equals stink.  We like to teach our Red sox fans young.  lol

So we've been trying to fatten Alexa up.  She's down to 20 lbs meaning she's still losing and not maintaining her weight anymore.  We're at her tolerance level with her feeds (if we go over that she cant digest properly and has uncontrollable vomitting, and  it messes her up the other end as well).  So we're trying to increase her caloric intake by mouth, very hard to do when her tiny belly cant's hold more than about a tablespoon at a time.  Kevin recently found out she loves reeces pieces, and she got a few boxes in her stocking.  They're great for her because of the fatty peanut butter and small portion size.  Also its one of the few things she'll eat.  Anyway I was giving her and my niece some today and I told them that when they were done with the amount I gave them they could have more.  Kira got it right away and started shoveling them all in her mouth.  lol.  Alexa watched and when she saw that Kira got more when she was done she tried to be sneaky.  She took the 5 pieces she already had and because she wouldnt be able to handle them all in her mouth she decided to hide them.  I didnt realize until I caught her a while later asking for more and hurrying over to her little tool bench to "save" them for later.  Little stinker I was so happy she was eating so well, turns out she was just stashing them so Kira wouldnt get them all.  Arent babies so funny!

Also because Alexa has been so clingy lately it is really difficult to get anything done around the house.  We used to have the moby wrap, but I boxed that up with her baby things thinking she had outgrown it.  Today I was so desperate I got a sheet and tied that around myself to hold Ali so that I could get a few things done around the house.  I carried her like that for about 2 hours, and it worked great, I guess I'll have to dig up the moby wrap again.

Just a little slice of our Alexa.  As you can see she has a spunky, sweet personality.  That's all for now, I'll write more when I can express things better.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

birthday and blues

 Can you believe Alexa Belle is now two?  I can still remember perfectly the anticipation of her. Knowing I was going to have a c-section and meeting our beautiful girl.  I couldnt wait... It had seemed like we had waited a lifetime to meet her.  I remember Kevin and I saying that she really must be the most wanted baby ever.  Not that each and every baby isnt amazing in their own way.  It was just we had waited for her for over five years.  Having countless losses and hoping each month that our amazing baby would be realized that month.   Sometimes I wonder if that time helped prepare us for Alexa?  I loved every moment of being pregnant even the bad times because that just proved to me more that this was a reality, and we were going to have our baby.  Dont get me wrong, losing her twin was a terrible experience, so bittersweet knowing one of our babies wasnt going to make it, but still knowing I had to be strong to keep our other wonder strong. 

Alexa came to us and all I can say is that it almost felt unreal.  She was a dream realized.  I know that I wanted everything to be special.  Every moment every breath means something.  I think that the mindset I had has made everything else a bit easier.  The day she was born I was in complete awe.  How did I deserve her, this perfect little baby?  Yet here she was so amazing and perfect.  We didnt know there was anything wrong with her.  I mean we did know about her heart defect, but that seemed manageable.  I remember thinking that I have to remember and cherish each and every moment beacause this may be my last baby and she was so precious.  So thats what I did.   I'm so thankful for those 6 weeks of worry free perfectness.  I can truly say that this time was pure bliss for our family.

It's so hard to put into words how we feel about Alexa, but can I just say how unbelievably blessed we are to have her in our lives.  No this isnt the life I would have chosen nor expected for her.  However Alexa is perfect I couldnt ask for a better kid.  Yes. I wish she was never sick and I would die if it would mean she would never have to experience pain again, but I wouldnt change anything else about her.  We have this perfect little girl and we were prepared to cherish every moment of her life.  So thats what we are doing.  To think the doctors think she may be done with a third of her life.  I feel like it's just begun...

We had Alexa's birthday party last week.  I wanted to make it great.  I did all the decorations myself and even made the cake.  I think it came out pretty good...  We played our DVD of Alexa's last year, had everyone do Happy Birthday to you in sign, and attempted to play party games with a bunch of two year olds.  It couldnt of been better.  Thank you to everyone who came out to make Alexa's day special.  We loved seeing you all there. 

Also a special call out to all my December mommies and babies.  You guys have been with us through our entire journey and we are so thankful to have you in our lives.  I hope to be able to meet up with all of you at some point in our babies lives, you guys mean so much to us.  Happy birthday to all those special babies too.  I hope to get all the kids on facebook when their birthdays come, but I havent been going on much these days and dont want to miss anyone. 

The last couple of weeks have been so jammed packed with activities and appoinments.  Being closer to family has allowed us to do so much more.  It's been great.  We saw my cousin Nate's band play (Old Hundred) what a talented bunch of guys, they are so good!  If you get a chance you should check them out.  We had my cousin Jennifer's 2 children spend the night with us after Ali's party the kids had a blast!  The next day we all got together and went to the zoo to visit with santa.  This weekend we had a family reunion and Kaylie was in her glory because there were other kids, dancing, games and santa!! 

It hasnt all been fun and games those are just the highlights.  We've had a couple of important appointments with Alexa.  We saw her GI specialist.  Her dysmotility appears to be getting worse.  She seems like she is in constant pain especially at night.  It is so hard to find a balance with her meds, because if I give her too much fiber she has diarrhea, not enough and she's painfully constipated which means we have to give her more of her stool softener.  Meanwhile she hasnt been eating much at all, and is waking up most nights in excrutiating pain.  Meaning many sleepless nights for all.  Often times her belly gets so distended that her tube starts leaking bile at the site.  This burns her skin and makes it break down causing a lot of pain as well.    We're trying to find something to help ease her pain at night better than the tylenol and Ibuprofin we've been using.  

We also saw her neuromuscular doctor.  Her reflexes are almost non existent now ( i dont know exactly what this means)  I think it means that she is becomming weaker and her muscular disease is progresssing.  Also they noticed that her pupils werent dilating properly.  This means she may not be processing light properly...  We have to get her vision checked out again.  I just wish there would be one thing that worked perfectly.    The doctor wanted to schedule her lumber puncture, but we're trying to get everything scheduled together.  Her tubes snipping her frenulum, and another GI test. 

Most of this was written a few weeks ago.  I havent felt much like writing.  

Alexa had another ruptured ear drum.  Poor baby.  Meaning another trip to the ER just to get antibiotics.  We really need to get a new local pediatrician...  This pushes her tube placement back, as they need to wait until she heals before placing her tubes.  It seems like when she gets an infection or has anything more than her now baseline cold her body starts declining.  She's been so fatigued lately not doing much of anything.  Her nights have become a series of suctioning, vomitting, pain, and alarming (alarms going off every couple of minutes).   It makes me so sad to see her this way.  We do get blessed with some extra bursts of energy once in a while.  I love when we get those.  It seems like when she sees her cousins or family and friends she's able to do a bit better.  Although, not so much for her early intervention therapy appointments.  Although she has those nearly everyday. 

Things have been a bit tough lately.  I wish I could say that I'm able to brush everything off and stay positive, but I think I'm failing at that.  I try not to let Alexa see... Some days are a big fail.  I wish I could be strong all the time.

I'm having a hard time writing about whats going on so for now I'm going to just post what I have.  I did plan to write a bit more but words seem to be escaping me right now.  I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.