The girls loving on Gabe (most laid back cat ever) |
even when happy she is still grabbing her tummy |
Actually Kalie is usually more of a helper, it's much worse with Alexa. I can not get anything done when she's awake. She is constantly needing me... I dont just mean medically although that plays a huge part in it. She just doesnt let me out of her site, and needs to be constantly held. She is usually always crying... I know she has been in so much pain lately, but I think she may be giving me a permanent head ache. This one has lasted almost a full week. lol It's gotten to the point where she doesnt even want her daddy to hold her, and just cries for me. I feel so sad when I feel that internal frustration boiling up and I look over at her and she is signing hurt. My heart breaks a bit each time, I see that sign. I feel so guilty for getting frustrated, and no she isnt just munipulating me. I can see the pain etched into her face as she hugs her tummy. I think we found a correlation between her pain and her eating. Ive noticed that lately anytime she has any food by mouth shortly after the pain seems a lot worse. I dont know what to about this except not let her have anything by mouth. She already barely eats anything. I put a call into the doctor and as usual am waiting for a call back.
Alexa is getting evaluated for respite nursing care on Friday. From our phone interview they seened pretty sure she qualifies. I guess now we just see for how many hours. This isnt what would allow me to go back to work. Apparently there is another program that handles that. I just need to do more paperwork, but I think we will wait until we are moved into our new house for that. We were supposed to pick up the girls new bunk beds this weekend, but the lady we were buying them from went into labor... (how exciting for them) So we'll pick them up either this week or next. I cant wait to get them, they are so neat. I wish they had these type when I was growing up. It would of made sharing a room with Katy so much cooler.
Alexa has been having so much pain lately. She now request medicine by signing for it. It's like she knows it helps her. I'm just hoping for the day when she doesnt have any pain. That would be a miracle. Just a quick update on her diarrhea episodes of last week. I realize I didnt update. Her rash is completely gone, the prescription cream worked wonders. Thank goodness she doesnt need anymore pain. We slowed her feeds back down to what she was getting before, and her diarrhea is completely gone. However she lost over a pound of her hard earned weight. It took us almost 6 months to get that pound on her. I dont know what they'll have us do. We're meeting with the nutritionist again next week. We'll see what they say.
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