Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Alexa's birthday slideshow

For those of you who cant be with us for Alexa's 2nd birthday party.  I put together another slideshow so we can cherish her big and small moments always.  I hope you enjoy.


  1. that was great amy, what wonderful pics of Alexa birthday years. thanks for sharing them ... blessings love jacqui

  2. Ed and I loved seeing all your faces and pray for you often. Thank you for sharing. It was like a visit with your family and precious girls! Of course, we loved seeing Norma and Eric too. God bless!

  3. I know I'm going to see this at Alexa's birthday party, but just couldn't help watching it in advance..beautiful job Amy. Love that baby! and Kaylie and you guys too, of course. Love, Mom

  4. Thanks it was fun to make and even more fun to watch. I love my girls. :)

  5. Hi Amy & Kevin,
    That was an awesome video! I smiled at the beginning of the video where Alexa is using one of your dogs as a chair...sooooo cute! We are praying for your family and hope you can feel those prayers. It is so hard not knowing what the future holds especially when it's so scary. But always remember that God is right there beside you. I could almost cry because seeing your video and writing this brings back to mind all that we went through with Brandon's accident. But as a result of that experience, both Sal and I KNOW one thing for sure...GOD IS FAITHFUL! We love you guys, Holly & Sal

  6. Alexa looks so cute- with such a beautiful soul. It beams out of her when she smiles. I love the slideshow- you have so many great memories. I hope she beats the odds- I do say prayers for you.
    Ingrid Rowley
